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My first EVER attempt at spawning Betta's


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All hope is not lost! , yet.

He's made a tiny, teeny, itsy, bitsy, liddle bubble nest against the glass, no where near the offered spawning site.

Him and her looked like they were having a good chat in the flowerpot, but he'd just kicked her out.

Don't know whether to give up or not?

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It's all fine. Just leave them in there. He'll have a bubble nest by tomorrow morning and they'll probably breed on sunday if all goes well. Just leave them where they are for now.

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He's made a few little nests

One by the flowerpot where she is hanging out,

one against the back wall

and one around where the heater cable meets the water surface.

I added heaps more bacopa but he's ignoring that and the lid.

*sigh*, more stress than I thought it would be.

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Hey all,

Your male looks very nice, hope all is going well with him and breeding,

I just recently set up a breeding tank for my betta's i have 2 males and 5 females. 1 is a ct and the other male is a veil tail.

I have a strong feeling that my ct is ready to make a nest and start breeding with one of the females i have, will post photo's later once he has started his nest, i put a half poly cup in this arvo and he has been hanging under it and looking like he is trying to build a bubble nest.

Any advice anyone can give me on breeding betta's would be much appreciated


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My boy has built a nest about 10cms long but not very high along the frong glass. No spawning yet but I'm still hopeful.

Any advice anyone can give me on breeding betta's would be much appreciated

Just read the info in this and other threads like it.

The main thing I've learned is to leave them alone. As soon as I stopped looking at them and covered up their tank, he built a mssive nest.

Good luck

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Thanks for the advice,

I went to check on them this morning and found 3 of my females dead can anyone help as to why this may have happened i did a water test and noticed the ph was around 7.4 is this bad for bettas?

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was only the females betta's and had the 2 males in a divided sections of the tank so they could see the females.

There is one still alive, could it have just been old females as i have read they do only live for a couple of years

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Thanks for the advice,

I went to check on them this morning and found 3 of my females dead can anyone help as to why this may have happened i did a water test and noticed the ph was around 7.4 is this bad for bettas?

You probably need to start another thread on this but if three of your females died overnight then this is not natural and you will need to work out the cause. pH of 7.4 is what my tap water comes out at. What else did you test for and also what did they look like when you found them? Even old age is unlikely to cause them to all drop dead at the same time. Whats the remaining one looking like tonight?

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Sorry to hear about your fish rob1066.

My male has kept his bubble nest up against the front glass and the female is coming out more. She's still swollen with eggs and her egg spot is still very clearly visible.

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i did nitrite and ammonia and they were both fine, the other female is fighting strong and nothing seems to look wrong with her. i brought the 3 that died all at the same time and introduced the one that is still alive around 4 days later.

They were in a tank of there own before the breeding tank was set up and that was for a good solid week and they where doing fine, as for the 3 that did die there was no signs that they had been attacked or any sign of damage to there gills or anything it has me puzzled i just brought 2 delta tale females this afternoon and they are in a different tank with the surviving female till i can get the tank right.

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