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My first EVER attempt at spawning Betta's


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Hello all,

This is a thread about my first ever attempt at breeding any fish (my fish have bred before but not cause I made them), but more importantly, my first attempt at spawning my Betta splendens.

So far I've taken the male out of his tank, drained the water from his tank and put it in the spawning tank.

Then I added the heater, sponge filter and plants to the spawning tank.

I put him in the spawning tank and acclimitized the female. When I put her in he was so obsessed with his own reflection that I had to cover the back with a peice of old real estate sign.

Now she is in the soft drink bottle and he charges at her flaring ever minute or so. All she does is look at him and flare back. Then he swims away to hide behind his plants.

Here are some pictures I took of the setup. Please let me know if there's anything I can/should do to improve it:

The tank:


The female:


The male:


The male sulking behind the plants:


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i gave mine a piece of poly, he built a small nest under it but then built a huge one on the edge of some plants where they break the surface, and thats the one he's using, its sort of spread into the corner too. They might like having a few different choices of building sites.

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I think that my "not so smart" fish has just got an "oh so smart" idea.

I believe he has just clicked and realised that there is a female behind that plastic and she is full of eggs. Now he's starting to take this bubble nesting thing seriously! Bubbles are quite large still but at least he's blowing them.

If they're still there in the morning then I shall take some pictures.


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He still had his nest at 8.20 this morning so I took this photo of it:


But at 8.50 the nest looked like this:


And now (10.30) it looks completely different, he's moved it around to the side.

The bubbles are very big and keep popping.

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those are big bubbles

maybe he's just trying out his skills and trying to get the hang of it, does he build nests in his own tank?

I though mine was never going to build one, i put the first girl in in the afternoon, and he just danced around for hours, with no sign of doing anything else. I checked at 8.30 that night, nothing, felt dispirited, then at 9.30 i went to turn the lights off and he'd built two huge ones in only an hour. I was so excited and proud of him lol. So maybe yours will be the same and suddenly start building in earnest in a demonic burst of activity :wink:

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Yeah, he did nothing but flare and show off to her yesterday but I put the lid in and he just hung out under that. Come home at about 9 last night and there were some bubbles, even more this morning.

He's just made some smaller ones now too and yes he built a few nests in his other tank.

Here's a pic of the current nest:


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If anything, my male's too young. He keeps destroying his own nest but I've fed them some more bloodworms so hopefully that'll get him in the mood.

Thanks Phoenix and Mark.

Put some more water in as she carnt jump that high over the top,or can she? :o

I don't want her to jump over though.

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I use to breed CTs but sold them all as I needed tank space but now I've got a bigger setup I'm trying to get back into them so I'm looking for HMs and CTs again but so far all I've only got are 3/4 CT fry and 2 HM girls.

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Not looking good at the moment :(

The temperature was at about 24C yesterday so I started turning it up. I was checking the thermometer and noticed it had water in it. It was broken so I took it out, not sure if it's leached anything into the water though. Put in a correct thermometer and turned down the temp because the broken thermometer was reading too low.

The male hasn't even tried to make anynests and ever since I released the female she's just been sitting in her flowerpot.

Should I just take them both out and try with another pair later?

Perhaps I need some IAL?

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