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blister / bubble on Bristlenose


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I have mentioned this in another thread (slime on heater) but thought i might get more help here.

I have a young bristlenose and he has developed a blister/bubble protruding out from underneath his pectoral fin.

It just looks like an air filled bubble , maybe it has clear fluid inside, I'm not sure. Under the bubble where his skin is, it is pale white. He's hard to get a good look at but there might be another smaller one under his other fin. The big one certainly looks uncomfortable and I think he has stopped eating.

I have put him into a hospital tank and am treating with furan 2.. today is day 4 and still no improvement.

Not sure what I should do for him next .. I'm almost tempted to pop the bubble with a sterilised needle and leave him in the furan-2 an extra day.

Any ideas? From everything I've read, the most likely cause seemed to be bacterial but the furan isn't helping. He doesn't move around much.

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I took some photos



I tried to get a better one of him out of the water, but the bubble didn't show up at all! but you can see how it's holding his fin out from his body.


I'm also worried he's going to die if starvation.. how does his weight look?

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Body condition looks ok to me. See the bubble tho.... :-? I wouldnt personally pop it, have you had a squiz thru planet catfish site for help? Even different meds for treatment. Perhaps what ever the bubble is just isnt affected to the furan?

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i did wonder about that possibility.

But he's not eating , so clearly no happy which is why I think he might have an infection.

He's had the blister(s) for at least a week now and has not eaten during that time :-(

I had a quick look at planetcatfish but seemed a little bit difficult to navigate for specific info on medicating a bristlenose!

The only other medicine I have is acriflavine but i read somewhere that BNs don't tolerate that very well.

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I have had 2 BNs develop a blister in a similar place. I thought they might be getting damaged when fighting over females (or with them). One of my BNs recovered but the other died. Neither had treatment of any sort.

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He's moving around more today and is swishing his tail again.

Still got the blisters but after 8 days is still alive so hopefully will make a recovery .

How long can I keep him in the hospital tank before I need to add a piece of driftwood.

I'd rather not remove the one from hsi usual tank but can't find anything small and smooth enough for the hospital tank.

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