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I have finally got my albino cory's babies past 1 week.


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Now what do i do with ,when can i feed them solid food and what sort.

managed to keep them alive this time i think by something i read on here that put the squeezings of a filter into the tank.Put the last batch into the big tank with the parents but not seen them again. :oops:

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  • 2 months later...

Hi J here, Congrats on the babies...I guess they are grown now. I have just breed the bronze corries that the albinos come from as an albino.

For the first feeding I used microworm and also the juice from the microworms. I tended to overfeed out of anxiousness and they just grew so well. I also took a jug of water out of the tank each day and repace it with fresh water.

Looking back I would have cleaned my sponge filter every second day to keep the water very clean, all a learning curve.

As soon as they were able, about two weeks I crushed up a good fish food finely and started feeding them this. Also I did the same with spirulina flakes and alternated between the 3 foods each day. I also left a light on in the room so they could 24 hour feed.

I have just, at the 1 month mark introduced decap brineshrimp and this has caused another big growth spurt. Just be careful not to overfeed.

They have gone from fleas in my tank to tiny little kittens....my theory if they are cat fish the babies must be kittens LOL.

They are so fun to watch growing and playing together when you get that many.

I am looking for about 6 albinos if you would be interested in a swap with the bronze corries.

Send me private mail if you can do this.....thanks J

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