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betta spawn now 4 weeks old


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i decided not to say anything and not tempt fate until i had gone past the 2.5 week stage which is where i lost my first spawn at and now that the second have reached this stage i am happy to say i now have four week old baby bettas - yippee and they even starting to look like fish (rather than tadpoles) when u look at them from side on

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thanks caryl, im getting rather excited cant wait to see what colours they turn out and even tho i know i really cant keep them all myself i will find it hard to pass them onto others but thats the way it has to b tho i will keep one or two perhaps 1 male and two female = equal numbers then cos at the mo i got 2 males and one female - (had to put one of my females down last week so went out and bought myself a male to make me feel better :oops: )

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well they are now 5 weeks old :) and i decided that as the snail population seemed to be outnumbering the babies i would do a really big clean of their tank (their first big major one) and so after catching all the babies and putting them in a big white bucket i got stuck into the tank, cleaning and removing unwanted snails and then refilled the tank (left some of the old water in there) :D

anyways that morning i had thought i had about 25 babies give or take the double counting of some and the ones hiding in the moss :-? but after having xferrred them all to the big white bucket was certain it was more likely to be between 25-50 (at the max) so as i collected them back up and xferred them back to their tank i decided to take a poll - i ended up with 70 i tell u that was a huge surprise esp considering they were all eggs on the bottom of the tank as dad couldnt be bothered blowing a nest and so had to be removed before the babies hatched as he had exhausted himself chasing them from top to bottom and back again :roll:

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