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Try These Mind Games


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lol ive seen that 1 ages ago too 8)

My chest is still sore from the first one :(

Its quite weird how the body reacts to it.

Any1 know the reason for the sudden chest pain the body/heart recieves when it gets a fright?

ive got a random interest weird body functions, like hiccups...? which i don't know the point in these either apart from they are to annoy me :-?

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hiccups are a spasm of your diaphragm, to get rid of them is the same as a normal spasm, exercising the full range of motion, so you breathe in as far as you can go, even through a hiccup if you have one, hold your breath, then exhale fully, then inhale again fully etc etc for bowt 5 mins or so...

i never get hiccups anymore, cos i do this from the 1st one...

as for the pain, its your muscles tightening, the fight or flight instinct pumps masses of addrenaline into your system (from your adrenal glands near your kidneys) which causes your muscles, esp in your chest, (running or fighting your gonnna need alot of air and blood pumping) to tense and get ready for action, when this action doesnt come, such as when you realise that there is no immediate danger, your muscles will take abit of time to come down off edge, esp since your usually sitting down using low o2 and activity after these computer generated frights....

mum always said i shoulda been a doctor...

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