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Apisto Panduro, Have I a problem?


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Ok so i bought 10 Panduro about a month ago.

They went into a fairly high stocked 3foot tank with heaps of cave, but the tank has a cf1200 and a 800lph internal Eheim.

And i do a large waterchange every week and the tank only has half a lid so there is quite a bit of evaporation that gets topped up when i see its low.

They are acting a bit weird, They seem to be sitting around the filter intakes and the dont appear to be eating too much, they dont go for many foods.

And the BIG male has gone white this morning sitting in one spot.

Hes aroudn 6cm and quite big, So hes proabably quite old. Hes the father of the rest of them.

Any ideas on why they hang around the filters? And what is everyone here feeding them on?

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I dont have any Panduros yet, but I feed my Apistos, daphnia, blood worms, grindel worms, Tetra colour bits. During summer they get mossie larvae.

Not sure what is causing the problems with yours. anything cahnged recently? How long you had them?

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I dont have any Panduros yet, but I feed my Apistos, daphnia, blood worms, grindel worms, Tetra colour bits. During summer they get mossie larvae.

Not sure what is causing the problems with yours. anything cahnged recently? How long you had them?

Ok so i bought 10 Panduro about a month ago.


Yeah had them about a month.

So, could be huge change in conditions to BKs tanks, i put some indan almond leaf in the tank just before, to bring the ph down closer to what they prefer

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Apistos are very sensitive about water quality, probably even more so than discus.

I would start by checking water quality, pH 6 or even under is prefered and very very soft. Dont use carbon in the filters at all.

Next guess without seeing them is parhaps some type of bug? They seem very good at catching worms of one sort or another. Perhaps if they seem to be getting worse try a levamisole treatment as a general wormer.

it could also be the start of dropsy?

See if you can get some clear pictures of one of them

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Ok, so the big male died :o

one of the smaller ones has dark patterning now,quite black, and a few other fish in the tank have like white patches on them.

1 Cardinal has a white patch on its caudal fin, and my Big cory has a white thing on its nose, the white patches stick out a bit.

ANy ideas? :-? :-?

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