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Breeding Crowntail Fighters

Guest Cam

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What do you mean when you say you don't find them easy to breed? Does anyone have any for sale? I'm thinking of getting back into fighters but I think this time I'm going to start right and get good ones and slowly improve from there. last time I had a really good male CT and bred him with a VT so sadly didn't get any great ones come out :( .

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I find ct the most temperamental (sp?) of fighters to breed and not only that 3 of my last 4 ct spawns have produced only females. I also struggle to find decent sized good quality imported males that are big enough for my nz bred girls. At the moment I have about 14 beautiful yellow/sky blue fighters at 2 1/2 months old and all are females. I have a few females at 4 months but no males (I have 3 sibling males) big enough to put to them.

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Adodge, I've just moved that beautiful CT male you sold me to my new nano planted. He's doing really well. His sisters are REALLY aggresive though so I had to split them up because one had super nasty fin damage. The two cambodians are still huge but the little red female is small and badly nipped, but she's getting better. Very nice fighters TYVM.


I'm looking at trying to breed mine soon (my male is my avatar) so I'm looking foward to that. Can share some experince soon if you like.

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