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Filter question

Carlos & Siran

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Hi guys how's it going?

We have a 100ltr tank and it came with two Aqua clear media filers(30 and 50) but no under gravel system. We've had the tank set up for two weeks, it came with heaps of platies and plants. We gave away most of the fish after the first week, but I didn't want to vacuum the gravel until the plants had become established. I finally did a vacuum yesterday and the smell took me by surprise, it smelt really pooey and nasty. My first tank had a under gravel filter and I bought a large cartridge filter for it and I don't ever remember the gravel smelling as bad.

Do you think an under gravel filter along with the media filters would help?

Or is it because I left it too long to do a vacuum?

Thanks guys.

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I think it was just a case of the lack cleaning maintenance. You should not need an undergravel filter. It is when it smells really rotten you need worry, and big stinky bubbles come up when you shove the siphon into the substrate. Depth of gravel can make a difference too. Deep stuff can get 'dead' patches which stink when disturbed and are toxic.

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They couldn't remove it from the tank though and are not expected to. UGFs drag it under and that is where the good bacteria grow. I have used UGFs for many years and never had a problem with one. I only use them in small tanks though as I don't think they are efficient enough for larger ones.

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