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Because the Orange Tree Gorgonian is not photosynthetic, its survival is dependent on regular and frequent feedings of brine shrimp, baby brine shrimp, or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates. Do not allow cyanobacteria to form on the branches, as it will cause both the polyps and tissue of the coral to rapidly deteriorate. The Orange Tree Gorgonian should only be maintained by the skilled reef aquarist, in a well established reef.

Many people in Reef community want its sale banned, i am sure that some people could keep it alive, but many will be temped to try and will surely kill them

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There are many different types of gorgonian. Some are photosynthetic, and are easy to keep, feed exclusively on zooplankton. In general the brightly coloured ones feed on zooplankton, while the brown ones are photosynthetic. But i suppose it doesn't really matter, cause you can't buy them here anyway.


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does anyone know how the MAF came to set its import list?

From what I understand, it was mainly ignorance at the time it was set. To get species added to the list is a major effort. I think you have to go through ERMA and try and prove that the organism is unlikely to have detrimental effects on the environment etc.. Harder than it sounds, even though it may seems common sense to us that most tropical anminals are unlikely to survive in out cold waters.

Anyhow, there have been some additions to the list in the last year or so, mainly soft corals. Up till a couple of years ago, the only soft corals allowed into the country was Sacrophyton glaucum, and Tubipora.

Others may be able to shed more light on the list and how and why it came to be.


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i think we should push for an age limit on marines, to prevent dead nemo's

I think we should push for more information, rather than this. What kid wants their pet to die? Information will prevent the unnecessary death of fish, not limitations.


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I agree with Layton 100%. I am sure we all know people older than outselfs who look after their tanks in ways that would make you cringe. A child shouldn't have such an excellent hobby made unavailable just because they are young.

What age is to young anyway?


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i think we should push for an age limit on marines, to prevent dead nemo's

Then why did you say this?

The interesting thing is that if children where killing Nemos, an adult sold it to them or their parent brought it for them.

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i think we should push for an age limit on marines, to prevent dead nemo's

Then why did you say this?

the reason i said it was to show the obvious stupidity of banning certain corals due to the dificulty in keeping them, any fish or coral can be killed if not treated right

we could have an increadibly boring forum where noone attempts to joke or make light of the situations that we are in, and that no one wants to visit or participate in

or we could lighten up and get over ourselves and enjoy the hobby and encourage people to join

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