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My newly hatched fry go into a floating container with pin-prick holes in it (so i dont have to change the water, just syphon out the watsed food) this has been working well but i have been noticing after about a week old theyve dissappeared. Today i saw 2 of different sizes amongst the rocks at the bottom. So theyre definatley getting out and doing ok, i just thought theyd be too young to jump?? :-? Or are they squeezing out the holes?

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Pretty sure they can jump, but not sure at what age. I lost one this week from an ice cream container floating in a tank. Unfortunately, there are 3 adult killies in the tank, so someone had some desert. I'm going to use 3 litre plastic containers with lids in future and do very regular water changes.

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with Norths being smaller, up to 50 or 60 but I place into 2 or 3 containers asap so you dont loose the lot if they get velvert. With non-annuals I only normally hatch say 20 to 30 and they are happy in there for a week to 2 depending on how fast they grow.

I use only say 20mm of water in the container as well and do at least one water change a day and often 2. With Nothos, they need dirtier water and will get about a 5% change every couple of days

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