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Yeha my Discus are breeding.Help wanted.


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I have 2 paired up discus with babies. (Colbolt Blue pair & Blue Diamond pair). My 1st time breeding pair have now got the babies moved onto them. So exciting. Was wondering when they are to be taken off the parent? Also they are in a community planted tank. Should I move them? If so when? I have read not to muck around with the tank. I also put a glass between them and the others so they not hasseled all the time. (did that last week). Any help gratefully accepted.

Cheers :hail::hail::hail::hail:

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Navarre- :lol: if all the discus start breeding at once I might take you up on your offer, :lol:

Discusguru- :bow: you said put in 2ft with parents, bit hard to do that as they all swimming on parents.

I would kill them if netted them together wouldnt I.? Today 1st day swimming with parents.So how long after would I move them. Hate to kill them. :hail:

MysticVampyre- :bow: Thanks for you well wishers. Just buzzin. :hail: might have to buy more tanks.LOL.

I have 2nd pair in another tank 3 days behind these ones.(but they ate their 1st lot).

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If you move them at this stage, there is a good chance that the parents will eat this batch up.

But if you set up a 2footer (barebottom) you can at least have the peace of mind in knowing that you will have the subsequent batches.

I dont recommend raising the kids away from the parents. 1. - the kids eat "discus mucus/slime" off the parents. 2.- much of this breeding behaviour is learned, so batches that have been raised with parents make better parents, and batches that have been raised without parents don't fare quite as well (their kids usually have higher mortality rates etc).

Oh and congrats on breeding one of the most rewarding fish to keep! :bounce:

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Once you put the net in the parent will move away or attack the net. You can net the frys easily beside the parent. Take the fry out first and then the parents. It's not that hard. Or you can use a hose to siphone the frys out into a bucket.

Discus don't die so easily unless hit by diseases or kept in bad water conditions.

It will be very hard to feed them in a planted tank. Feeding off the parents itself is not enough and they might end up stunted.

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Well yumyum both pairs ate up babies. :roll: That was good as now will put the both pairs in their own tanks today(one pair per tank). so next time we all will be ready. :lol:

Thanks to all who replied to my asking for advice :hail::bow::hail::bow:

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Think of it this way Lynnie, Practise makes Perfect :wink:

Sometimes first time parents need abit of time and a few batches if eggs to work out just what they are meant to be doing with them.

Had the same problem with my Angels when I was breeding them, very frustrating I know, but I'm sure they will work it out in time.

Good Luck :bounce:

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Think of it this way Lynnie, Practise makes Perfect :wink:

Had the same problem with my Angels when I was breeding them, very frustrating I know, but I'm sure they will work it out in time.

Good Luck :bounce:

angels are cousins of discus ;)

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Thanks for your replies everyone. :hail::hail::hail:

I have to say breeding my angels a few years ago wasnt as rewarding as seing these little babies free swimming. Both pairs are now in a breeding tank each. I am hoping the others here start to pair up. :roll: so i can have a sort out as have many babies growing up (purchased from others). Poor africans getting pushed aside for awhile. :lol:

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WOW Luke :o I didn't know that, how very interesting :D

I have 7 Beautiful Discus now and 2 Beautiful Angels :bounce: :bounce:

Had to pop 2 of the last lot of Discus I got from Ron (Discusguru), in a Hospital Tank for awhile as they weren't looking good at all, all they did for 2 days was lie on there sides on the Bottom of the Tank, really thought I was going to lose them both, With excellent advice from Ron as to waht to do with them, they are now both back to normal and will be making their way to the Main Tank within the next couple of Days :hail:

:bounce: :bounce: Cant wait to see all 7 Discus together :bounce: :bounce:

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