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fingers crossed for spawn!


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hey guys

just wondering how any one else is going with recent spawns over this cold season?

recently this week ive had 3 spawns ... all with inexperienced breeders nothing has eventuated

(eggs in nest but male ate them all twice)

male and female are going at it again (mustard gas buttterfly pair) hopefully i actually get something this time

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yeah the Mg pair are starting to get the hang of it...

the pure ct pair i have in together im sure will give it a good go

and the other mg pair i have in ... might need a but more time to mature i think..

not rushing them just spending the time conditioning them up

most the males are happily building bubble nests and flaring nicely so i think wel eventually get something


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hahah yeah hes grown up alot since that photo was taken :)

he was def rather runty when i first got him

ive got some more fighters coming from David tomorrow too ... cant wait lol

hows that Pk going anyways?

have you added the indian almond leaves to tank yet?


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the pk is going pretty good he is i bit quiet and shys away when the tank light is on so i tend to just leave him with natural sunlight and then he is pretty active.

yup, ial is in all the boys tanks, the ct isnt too sure about it but is starting to swim up to it now lol nd the vt has blownthousands of little bubbles everywhere, just not in one spot

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lol you should see the bubble nest my pure ct male has blown!!!

there a block of poly thats bout 150x150sq and completely full plus the underneath or IALeaf completely full plus various nests around the tank hope they actually do something :)

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he looks cool :) very similiar to the piks i have :P

still nothing on the spawn front.. ct looks promising.. mite pull all the males and females from spawning tanks and re condition everyone up once again...good nests no action lol

the lavender hm pair... not going to happen yet

think il give them all a break for a while.. might try the mustard gas male another go.. since hes been conditioned up

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hmmm yeah i think i were having same probs...

temp checks are okay of the tanks now tho

going to remove from the breeding tanks and recondition them all and give the mg pair another go at it

leave a couple of tanks empty for a while time im ready to give them another go

ive had a few spawns just the males must have done a piss poor job or been hungry lmao

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Yay finally a spawn!

hope i dont jinx myself by posting

at somepoint since last nightand now my red/orange hm

and orange halfmoon female bred

lots of eggs and awesome bubble nest

hopefully get a few decent hms from this spawn...

obviously wont hold my hopes up till few weeks time tho :(

ct pair.. get on real well.. female not bard up but well conditioned.. awesome bubble nest too but no breeding

mg pair prob going to be removed from tank again soon.. lazy nest builder

will give him few weeks of rest until re trying

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this will be my first "PURE" hm spawn

the first spawn i had was a yellow hm male with a "unknown strain" female

im pretty sure the female might have had some ct in her due to the offspring. but hard to know for sure

there is ALOT of eggs about 250+ at this stage that look to be fertilized and daddy doing real good job returning the odd one that falls. can see some developments in the eggs.. hopefully have some wiggly tails soon

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CONGRATS that is awesome. my girls have not egged up at all so getting bloodworms on monday. they got fat with them last time! mine LOVE brineshrimp and decaps, (lost my last package).

my 8 week old fry look like hungry piranahs when they are eating decaps, they go MAD!!!!

good luck, will you be selling ur HMs?

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um i will be selling a few if they eventuate

at this stage there are a good 100 plus tails.. really hard to see in the blackwater that they in

but cant always guarantee they will survive but hopeing they will.. bout time had some spawn

bout to put some more together soon in a differnt tank

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ashley.. did you get some off john/dlums on trademe?

they look nice fish :)

yeah there a few there.. taken dad out now as think he may have eaten a few last night. but still look to be alot there free swimming

hard to tell once they tucked up under the nest

have got that marble ct male and ct female in one breeding tank

the other tank is ready for another spawn. havent decided which ones to use yet.

and left one tank empty for now...

trying to condition up all the fish again

really want the mg male to breed or one of the other pairs but think they a bit young


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