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Interesting fish on trademe


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Yeah, it's pricy but since they're practically impossible to get, seems fair enough to me. If it goes at the current amount it'd be less than $200 each and arowanas, which are a dime a dozen comparitively go for more than that.

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I have four of them and have never seen any sign of aggression except when two fish go for the same piece of food. Other than that they have been very peaceful. The older one is in with electric yellows and zebras the other three are with discus and giant danios.

I am wrapped with the price being offered. I dont consider them that rare

and I only paid $75 each. His price in my opinion is far too high but as I say just my opinion. Like anything else it is what the market will stand

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The price for these four are way to high. They where owned by a friend of mine who got rid of them as the bands werent that great. They arent aggressive as people think. If you want aggresive try Tropheus Cherry Spots. :D Minchton, what species are yours if you dont mind me ashing???

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The good old Burundi 6 bar fronnie goes for $20 each at 3 to 4 cm off a breeder. Retail for $35 to $40... Then again depends on the variant,

7 bar fronnies $90 - $100 retail, sambias $150 retail, (3 to 4 cm) zaire blues, well what ever you are prepaired to pay. :o

These fish are calm, no doubt about it, hard to believe that in the wild they are a pisicivore. 8)

Frenchy :D

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