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Fat Chinese Algae Eater (+ photo)


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I'm not having much fun with fish recently - my female fighter passed on with Dropsy, my male Gourmai seemed to die of a broken heart (they were both in a different tank to the CAE) and now one of my CAE's has a fat tummy.

I might be jumping to conclusions but knowing my recent luck with fish, he will pass too!



(with and without flash)

So is he just fat? Has he just found some abundance of Algae to munch on? Or is it something else?

Water parameters are fine, feeding them every 2nd or third day and he shares a tank with 4 small Kribs, a female Bristlenose and a juv Whiptail.

Any ideas?

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He looks like hes just eaten. Was this noticed after a feed? :) If not hope he gets better :P

No, that's the weird thing, it was a day after feeding and I haven't fed the fish since and he is STILL that fat, maybe even fatter. :(

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Oh weird. Have you tried some Salt?

I had a weird unknown thing in my GBAs so hopefully yours is like that and just a weird unknown week long thing :P Then all is fine afterwards :P

Is your water quality good? Could it be a bit of constipation (feed him deshelled peas).

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his scales are starting to stick out a bit so I'm getting really worried it may be a case of Dropsy. But I've fed all the fish some peas tonight and hopefully the CAE got some, some floated down in his direction and there's still some sitting around so he should get some. I also did a big water change last night and will do one again tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!

mine did that when he was young about 5 years ago. went away after a couple of weeks. i lost him last week

Sorry to hear about your CAE :( it must be a lot harder when you've had the fish for such a long time.

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Sorry about your loss Tsarmina :(

joliet, keep us updated on how he's doing. I've never had cae so I can't really help you :( Hopefully it's just a case of constipation and the peas will help.

Some recommend an epsom salt bath for constipation perhaps someone could guide you on that because I don't remember, sorry.

If he's scales are starting to stick out, is it possible to quararntine him till you see if it is just constipation and not dropsy.


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