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Another converted partner


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You all may know my lovely partner Bronze-Dragon. I have been reading for a wile and finally got around to setting up my own account :wink:

We are in the process of getting set up to breed fighters thank to some advice and a couple of females from Garry and Rox. We have our first spawn (red dad and red and blue mum) so hopefully we will have some nice little ones soon.

I will get everyone some pics once they get a bit bigger and get some colour

The collection at the moment is:

12 Neon tetras

9 X-ray tetras

1 red spot pleco

2 Bristle nose plecos

1 Red (blue streaks in the fins) male fighter, Vale tale

1 Blue/red male fighter, Crown tale

1 Blue male fighter, Short tale

3 Female fighters (2 red and 1 red/blue)

and lots of guppies (4 adult and about 20 babies)

There is also a few random barbs that have escaped the net when we got rid of them because they attacked our fighters

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Hi Scott, glad the fighters are going well for you guys.

We are a bit up in the air about a Wellington trip due to having to coordinate lots of different life stuff. Its like herding cats at the mo. Sometime in the next ten days....

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