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AR380 "planted" tank: Laterite, JBL fert balls or Daltons AQ


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Hey all,

Just wondering what would be best for our low maintenance AR-380 "planted tank" <-- setup notes here.

I want to add something to the substrate to help the crypts and dwarf sag, but can't decide. I'm sure they all have many pros and cons, and am aware of some, but would like an expert opinion.

My options are:

JBL AquaBasis


Daltons AquaticMix

JBL fert balls

Which will be best for my tank, I don't want explosive growth, I just want healthy plants and less hassle.

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aquabasis is prob. the best of the options. but if you really wanted, just push a jbl fert ball in the gravel for the crypts.

the sag will be fine without the jbl, but by the looks of it, it is still in its emersed form...i could be wrong.

but all of mine went through the change to be submersed, and the leaves are a beautiful dark green and it grows upto 50 cm or so if given the right lighting.

if you want good growth in that tank, consider DIY CO2, the sag should pick up well.


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Hey, I plan to tear the tank apart in a week or so and redo it all. I've got new 2-3mm substrate and a few other bits and pieces. The sag was taken from a well established tank, from a fellow FNZAS'er.

Will the AquaBasis be a problem with moving the tank in the future? Is it quite a silty mix, or is it more gravely?

PS: I've got a DIY Jello C02 system on my native tank to help with the Java Moss (Jello worked pretty good too, was consistent 2bps for 2 months!). Sorta gone off it because it's so variable and it throws the pH off quite a bit - it does help though, but it only seemed to help when I had over 2.5WPG.

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