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what fish burrows into and under sand?


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what if i put a container in there with a decent layer of sand for my kuhli loaches and corys (that im planning on getting), will that be okay, they i can have plants in pots in the rest of it. then all my fish be happy! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

edited coz of overkill with :bounce: s

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IME Khuli's only fully bury themselves in the sand when they are very stressed or threatened.

They don't live under the sand.

Khuli's need cover most of all to feel comfortable in the tank.

Remember they are hardwired to need cover as protection because they are a scale-less worm-like bottom-dwelling small fish which inevitably is preyed upon.

If you are not going to provide a fine sand substrate then you need to provide either some upside down pots or raised flat rocks for the Khuli to hide under.

You will know when you have provided the right decor and environment for the Khuli when they spend a lot of their time out and about during the daytime. Because until you have that they will hide and be mostly nocturnal.

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thank you for that, i was going to put in some driftwood that would allow them to hide under, the wood would have plants on it too. my kuhli comes out to eat bloodworms most of the time. i have female bettas who i think its still getting used to.

what else can i feed it?

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i only got my kuhlis today, i expected them to head for cover and disappear but they have been very active exploring everything.

They love the indian fern and one loves to rest in that.

I have a piece of driftwood and they like being on or around or under with their heads poking out.

So plants and driftwood have been popular with my two brand new kuhlis. neither of them have gone under the gravel.

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