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Bristlenose babies at the top of tank?


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we have 30 odd bristlenose babies that are approx 1 month old, a few days ago they were all hanging out at the top of the tank, although the water was pretty clean we did a water change, now 2/3 days later they are all up the top of the tank again. any ideas on why they might be doing this? the other tank mates are the parents (who hide in their cave most of the time, perhaps breeding again), a siamese fighter and a few baby guppies.

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Others may disagree but here's my experience with the same behavior.

I too have seen this, often a few days before a mass die off (havent had it for ages thank god). Feed em up and fast, The 30 day mark is most critical for BN babies, feed em zucchini slices that have been cooked until they are soft, change the food twice a day before it dissolves into mush.Increase aeration. and if you can separate from the parents.

Good luck


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we've cleaned the filter last night, put in a long air stone this morning, given cooked zuchinni, and they are not at the top this morning so hopefully they'll be happier now. how much should we be feeding them per day (bearing in mind there is the fighter, baby guppies and parents)? its not possible to move the parents as the other large tank has lots of bottom feeders and this tank (the one they are in now) doesn't, so would like to keep it that way.

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Best to over feed them initially. Just make sure you remove it before it goes too mushy

They may take a few days or a week to get used to feeding on the zucchini, then just feed them enough so there is only a small amount of leftovers night and morning.

once they are bigger you don't need to cook the Zucchini quite as much, (this will help keep the water cleaner)

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tank temp is 26, a water change was done just a few days ago so i can't see why ammonia levels would be high (leftover food taken out each morning). we were just using a filter before but have since added the air stone/strip, perhaps this is why the oxygen level was low do you think?

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Do you have a test kit? If not just keep up regular water changes. You could check your filter to see that its not too gunked up with muck. Rinse it out in some water from the tank (not the tap) and maybe that will help as well. It may just be the increased number of fish in the tank.

My bn is the fastest way I have of knowing something is up in my tank - he goes straight up and sticks his nose out. He's only done it twice - once last year when the ammonia spiked and hit 8 - due to a blocked filter and the other day when the temp hit 36 degrees celcius!

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30 odd bristlenose as they grow require more oxygen saturation in the same tank as say 4 adults so id say you just found the limit of yr tank size ammonia or a blocked filter will result in the same process but id say it was just a volume of water/air ratio thing that suddendly arose keep up the water changes and the airation and/or split them up into other tanks you may find that their growth will stunt a little if theres too many competing for the same amount of food as they grow

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  • 15 years later...

If you don't want them loose in the main tank then remove them to a separate tank, don't keep them in a net. You will need to do daily water changes too. Make sure they have some driftwood plus suitable food (zucchini, peas).

I have never separated my ancistrus fry as dad looks after them very well. 

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