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4 New Discus From Ron


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Hi all, I'm new to the forum

Been trying to get some nice pics of the juvie checkerboard pigeons I got from Discusguru last week.

The fish arrived in great shape thanks to Ron and pretty much started feeding straight away.

Super happy :D with them and have been giving them plenty of clean water and food since.

These pics were taken only a day or 2 out of the bag.






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snap :D got one of these babies from Ron too in my main tank! Are you going to keep them in a bare bottom tank or will you be moving them into a planted tank?

They're beautiful - have always thought about starting up a second Discus tank with just multiples of one strain.

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Gee they are nice shape discus. Bet the colour up nice. thanks for sharing. :bounce:

Hi Lynnie, yes they are very nice discus but a big thanks has to go out to Ron for that.

snap :D got one of these babies from Ron too in my main tank!

Dave+Amy, did you get just the one pigeon or did you get some other strains also?

Are you going to keep them in a bare bottom tank or will you be moving them into a planted tank?

These guys will be staying in a bare bottom tank, I know adult discus are an amazing sight in a planted tank but it is so much easier to grow out small discus in a bare bottom tank, it minimises the risk of stunting.I think it even takes a very dedicated aquarist to keep adult discus healthy long term in a planted tank, I have learnt this from past experience and now keep them strictly in bare bottom, once they start to waste away it is very hard to bring them back.

Looking good Kyle. Look like they're in good hands.

Hi Ron, hope the pics do them justice


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I tried to keep them in a barebottom was easier to clean and feed them but they were much happier when I added them into my planted tank.

I got one Pigeon Checkerboard, one snakeskin and one turq off Ron. They joined my existing Wild type X, Alenquer Red, Electric Dream and Blue Diamond. I'm hunting for a Snow White now...

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I tried to keep them in a barebottom was easier to clean and feed them but they were much happier when I added them into my planted tank.

I got one Pigeon Checkerboard, one snakeskin and one turq off Ron. They joined my existing Wild type X, Alenquer Red, Electric Dream and Blue Diamond. I'm hunting for a Snow White now...

Wow great mix of discus you have got,any pics posted?that looks like your electric dream and blue diamond in your avatar?they look nice and healthy :D

Looks just like the Checkerboard I got off Ron, when I bought my 5 Discus of him a month or so ago :D

Mine have grown soooo fast, :bounce: :bounce:

Have to say Ron does breed beautiful Discus :hail::hail:

I hand feed them Tubifex Worms they absolutely love them :wink::wink:

Saw your post and your tank and discus look great ,very envious

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Yup that's my electric dream and blue diamond on my avatar - photo taken last year sometime in October I think so they were still young. I'll try to take side on photos tonight after they've finished feeding...always a stressful time (blue diamond won't share so everyone else has to sneak around) I've tried to take a photo of my whole tank but it won't fit.

Trying to collect as many different strains as my tank permits lol Discus are an addiction.

Will you be moving them into a planted tank when they've matured?

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I definately agree with you that discus are an addiction.

I wouldn't rule out keeping them in a tank with potted plants but it would still be bare bottom(have seen some beautiful tank pics online like this) as gravel hides a lot of fish waste and is very hard to keep clean,even with daily syphoning.

I lost some very nice fish :cry: a few years ago that I kept in a tank with gravel,they got the razor forehead and slowly wasted away,I know I could of kept them longer in a cleaner tank.


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Oh that is so sad! I remember how I panicked when I thought my Discus got whitespot but it turned out to be the water being too cold during the waterchange.

I'm currently trying to save a little runt in my spare tank it's been bullied to the point when it's gone all skinny with the pinched in forehead and dark...hopefully I can bring it back. Unfortunately it's survival of the fittest in my tank..was amazed at how much my Wild TypeX weighed (FATTY needs excerise)

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Thank goodness, I'm not the only one thats had Discus with White Spot Amy, felt terrible when Ron said in the 30 yrs he has been breeding Discus, he has never had any with White Spot, made me feel like terrible mum :oops:

White Spot's slowly disappearing now, thank goodness, Discus are all looking fit and healthy :bounce: :bounce:

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Oh that is so sad! I remember how I panicked when I thought my Discus got whitespot but it turned out to be the water being too cold during the waterchange.

I'm currently trying to save a little runt in my spare tank it's been bullied to the point when it's gone all skinny with the pinched in forehead and dark...hopefully I can bring it back. Unfortunately it's survival of the fittest in my tank..was amazed at how much my Wild TypeX weighed (FATTY needs excerise)

Good luck with your runt, its quite normal to have a slow grower or one that winds up smaller than the rest.The pinched in forehead is not a good sign.I would give him daily water changes of 50% or more in a bare bottom tank and a varied diet,I find earthworms to be great supplement for a fish in this situation.It can take a number of weeks before you will see any improvement if at all depending on the severity.


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Thank goodness, I'm not the only one thats had Discus with White Spot Amy, felt terrible when Ron said in the 30 yrs he has been breeding Discus, he has never had any with White Spot, made me feel like terrible mum :oops:

White Spot's slowly disappearing now, thank goodness, Discus are all looking fit and healthy :bounce: :bounce:

mine didn't have whitespot - I just thought they had, was from the time I thought they could do with some colder water in summer lol...Discus are tough though

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  • 1 month later...
Awesome discus :bow::bow:


Cheers Caper :D

:bounce: :bounce: excellent job in growing them up :bow::bow:

Keep up the good work and you'll be rewarded with nice healthy discus.



thanks Ron,great stock to start with :wink: ,added these guys with a couple of red melons I have and they are all getting along great,

Less skittish now too and love their food!

haha wow they look like little fattys
Hi Amy, they get 5 to 6 feedings and 50-80% water changes daily so their bellies are generally quite rotund :D

Wow, awesome discus. How old are they now? and how big?
Hi Rochelle, I have had them for about 6 weeks,not sure on total age,Ron might be able to help out there.2 of them would be 80mm and 2 still 70mm SL


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man I wish I was home enough to feed mine that often :roll: can't trust anyone else to feed them either.

I had my 1/5 life crisis the other week when my 2000L/H filter stopped working at night :o spent 3 hours fixing it then finally got it going again - especially it was for my Discus tank and I know I tend to overfeed. REALLY wish I had a barebottom tank then

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dave+amy, bummer, glad it's fixed tho. ever tried the auto feeders?

I don't think frozen foods would hold well in autofeeders and I only feed granules once in the morning 'cos I don't want uneaten food to pollute the water, feed either bloodworms or Discus tucker at night

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i had good success with auto feeders filled with colour bits ... just set it to release a small amount up to 6x per day. if there is uneaten you'll see it when you get home and can siphon it out and reduce the amount dispered by the auto feeder

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