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My new 5ft


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LOL I was shocked to find out the other day in a Planning and Funding meeting, that if I needed a new hip I would not get one .

It seems that I am over the BMI restrictions in NZ for a new hip.

I am 36 so hopefully I dont need one that soon.

I have played semi pro rugby so that may be a factor but so may be my genetic back ground but at 6 foot 2 inches (about 187cm) and 270 lbs (120kg) I didnt think I was what the doc called Morbidly Obese.

I may have to give up the odd chocloate..but not ones that swim


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LOL I was shocked to find out the other day in a Planning and Funding meeting, that if I needed a new hip I would not get one .

It seems that I am over the BMI restrictions in NZ for a new hip.

I am 36 so hopefully I dont need one that soon.

I have played semi pro rugby so that may be a factor but so may be my genetic back ground but at 6 foot 2 inches (about 187cm) and 270 lbs (120kg) I didnt think I was what the doc called Morbidly Obese.

I may have to give up the odd chocloate..but not ones that swim


:lol: I'm the same

I'm 5'11" and weigh 110-115kg depending on if I've had lunch

I can benchpress my own weight and run 10km in 45min but am "very obese" according to BMI lol

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