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Breeding Tank With Sand?


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I'm currently re-arranging my fish in my different tanks and I was just wondering if it's possible to breed bettas in a tank with fine sand in it? I know that bare bottom is best, but I've got a tank ready to go but with sand in it, and I have no place to put all the sand! Would the male be able to pick the eggs off the bottom and blow his nest?

Thanks for any advice.. :wink:

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my fighters have just done the egg thing my tank, which has a layer of sand,

and everything has gone fine.

any that were dropped to the bottom were picked up quickley, they are easy to see and my boy hasnt had a problem collecting them.

so i dont see a problem with it.

good luck :D

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my fighters have just done the egg thing my tank, which has a layer of sand,

and everything has gone fine.

any that were dropped to the bottom were picked up quickley, they are easy to see and my boy hasnt had a problem collecting them.

so i dont see a problem with it.

good luck :D

Sweeet.. Thanks for that, haha, really boosted my confidence haha.. They're still being conditioned so probably won't go in till another week or two..


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  • 2 weeks later...

:bounce: They spawned!! Woohoo!! :bounce:

After months and months of trying and waiting, I see eggs!! Soooooo happy!! :bounce:

Female has been taken out and the male is now guarding the nest, which for the record, is HUGE.. I'm estimating about 30-40 eggs, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

I also checked the gravel, not a single egg left, so just goes to show that bettas can spawn with gravel.. Hope it goes well!! Omg, no sleep for me tonight! :bounce:

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  • 2 weeks later...
We have just bread some in sand and now we have some free swimmers in the tank. We have taken him and her out so I hope some of the little ones survive

Cool.. I've now got 2 fry left (out of 8) free swimming in the tank. The batch was pretty small, but I think that was because I didn't condition the female as fully as I could have.

I chose to leave the father in and so far he's been doing a great job, and to my knowledge he hasn't eaten any fry, but he might have eaten the weaker ones.

I'm currently conditioning the couple again, but I won't spawn them again till the fry are ready to be jarred. Hopefully they get better with practice! :lol:

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do you jar the fry? when? and how do u keep the water warm?

I've read that you should jar the fry once they start getting aggressive, especially the males. By the time they're ready to be jarred they should be able to do without a heater. The only fighters of mine in the heated tank are the spawning couple. The rest are jarred in the same room, but I never open the window because of drafts and I turn the heater on at night, so it's a comfortable room temperature throughout the day.

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oh, i just bought a 100w heater for my larger tank coz the tank coz i tested temp and it was only 20degrees. they werent eating much. now its 27degrees adn they much happier, eating more. i need heaters for my tanks at the moment, until we can spare a room. gonna get a custom tank made up that is 1.5m long, 12inch high, and 10cm wide, gonna put it on the mantle piece above fireplace and have individual parts for showing off males.

gonna get some black sand and glosso plants for my spawing tank. sounds good.


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oh, i just bought a 100w heater for my larger tank coz the tank coz i tested temp and it was only 20degrees. they werent eating much. now its 27degrees adn they much happier, eating more. i need heaters for my tanks at the moment, until we can spare a room. gonna get a custom tank made up that is 1.5m long, 12inch high, and 10cm wide, gonna put it on the mantle piece above fireplace and have individual parts for showing off males.

gonna get some black sand and glosso plants for my spawing tank. sounds good.


Oh man, your mantle piece idea sounds sweeeeeet.. If your spawning tank doesn't already have sand, you don't have to put any in.. Bare bottom would probably be the easiest for the male, but it's been proven that sand doesn't really hinder performance either.. Unfortunately the father could not be reached for comment as he was too busy keeping fry in check.. :lol:

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hey ally,

we have fry hatched this morning

looks to be about 100 at least, seem to be tails everywhere. and one VERY VERY clever little fish seems to be free swimming already. its keeps going horizontal and swimming like made to the other corner and poor dad goes AHHHHH come back and chases it and puts it back, turns round to collect those on the bottom and it runs off again. PMSL. i feel for the male. hes a great dad. hopefully most live.

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