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Reefs Reef Tank


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New fish only tank.

Decided to go for a small fish only tank.

Currently housing 2 male blue throat trigger and a comet.

Basic tank with a Tunze stream and Deltec hang on mce500

Light hood contains 2x 3ft t5s.

To reduce the direct flow of the streams I cut off the end. This gives you a very wide flow. Looking to patent it. :D

Looking to add big boy to the tank soon, Scribble angel, best looking angel I have seen.




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Nice one Reef that angel is a real beauty! Good to see someone setting up a FO to house something like that. No doubt you will be able to throw him a few frags occasionally :D

The clowns likewise are AWESOME!! I hope you got a few spare to distribute to the shops, if so it will be a scramble for the first one in to score some!

Don't like the triggers though I think they ugly! :lol:

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Wasp ,The blue throats are cool. the colours are far better but i cant get a decent pic.

The black Amphiprion ocellaris are not so nice when they are young, here is a pic of juv ocellaris, great how they change colour to black

Amphiprion ocellaris


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Good to see someone setting up a FO to house something like that.

Getting bored with my reef. so a FO my spark some interest for me as there are so many nice fish that people dont see in NZ.

Pitty i missed out on my Gem tang, at least my wife is happy as it saved me $5000. There is always next time. :D

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those clowns are excellent! are they aggressive?

that angel is cool too, how big is big boy?

the clowns are priity much as any Amphiprion ocellaris in Aggression.

The angel is about 15cm. When i ordered it they told me small. funny how small overseas is big. :D

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Sure they will. Just order from you favoured shop. Will possible be the last time every in nz. So hopefully someone can breed them. great project for someone to make money by selling them. these clowns sell for big bucks in the States.

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General Info:

The Black Ocellaris Clownfish closely resembles A. percula, but is all black with white stripes. Clowns are relatively hardy fish with great personalities. They are fine in a reef tank. They are also fine in groups. Should host in the following anemones:-Heteractis magnifica (Magnificent Sea Anemone)-Stichodactyla gigantea (Gigantic Sea Anemone)-Stichodactyla mertensii (Merten's Sea Anemone) .

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Getting bored with my reef. so a FO my spark some interest for me as there are so many nice fish that people dont see in NZ.

Pitty i missed out on my Gem tang, at least my wife is happy as it saved me $5000. There is always next time. :D

:D and I though the crosshatches were expensive!

You could probably fly to Africa, and personally collect one for less than that!

The ultimate in cool looking uncommon triggers would have to be Xanthicthys caeruleolineatus

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This fish is nearly impossible to obtain. Be prepared for a long wait and to jump on it immediately when available! Only a handful of these fish have ever been collected for the trade.

With a limited distribution and inhabiting particularly deep water, Xantyhicthys caeruleolineatus is rarely collected, and perhaps the most elusive of all triggerfish. Only a few specimens have been collected to date. Like the closely related crosshatch trigger, the Goldenback is wary initially in captivity, gaining confidence slowly, becoming a great aquarium fish. All specimens we have had have been a giant 12". Customers who've bough these fish all have the same reaction; "I though I had some huge fish, but this is HUGE! The visual impact of a fish this large can only be experienced in person. Not for the weak at pocketbook.

would be like lotto tying to get one.

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I bred black clowns back in Australia, I have a friend currently looking after the parents, I really miss them.




Thats your moma clown as your aviator if I remember correctly :bounce:

They are a glorious colour the black and white, was the original clown I wanted before I decided on the Maroons

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