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Hi everyone, I am new to fishroom and tropical fish altogether.

I have a 32L tank with 1 Dwarf red gourami, 2 Cobaltblue gouramis 4 glows, a zebra cory and my trusty bristle nose pleco.

My second tank, 55L(have caught the bug bad) has only been going for about 3 weeks I have 2 plecos, 1 peppered cory and 10 neons. Not sure what to add next but, maybe some sword tails. Any advice on that?

Also just wondering how often to change/clean my filters?

Also can anyone give me some advice on sexing my cobalts they seem to be constantly displaying to each other and chasing each other. Tryed moving one to another tank for awhile, but it just became the more dominant of the two "again", when put back.

What a novel, anyway Hi to everyone and hope to chat again soon. :)

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Welcome "Thegreenboy"

Welcome to the world of Fishkeeping (Im sure there's a better name for it than that) once the bug hits you.....say goodbye to your pennies, one (or two even) tanks are never enough with all the variety of different fish out there......

If it's advice you want you've found the right place....The guys (and gals) on here are more than helpful, and some probably have more years experience that they would like to admit to :wink:

I know they sure helped me in various ways when I first started in this fasinating hobby.........

keeps us all posted on how things are going


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Hi Greenboy,

Well.. You found the right place for all the info you need.

Welcome to the NZ Fishroom :)

You ask..

Not sure what to add next but, maybe some sword tails. Any advice on that?

First thing is that if yor setup is only three weeks old, then you should refrain from adding more fish at this point.

Take things VERY slowly, as the biggest mistake that newcomers to the hobby make is overstocking their tanks before they have had the time to become established... which could take several months.

The general rule is, "Big changes... big problems".. and overstocking your tanks in the early stages is heading for disaster, so just take your time and add a couple of fish every month or six weeks until your stock level approaches its peak.

Also just wondering how often to change/clean my filters

This of course will depend on the size of the filter, the type, and the amount of work it has to do.

The filter needs to become the home for the good bacteria that are going to live there, so you have to treat it with great care.

Only "RINSE" the media in a container of old tank water, and never under the running tap, or using hot water, as this will immediately destroy the colony of bacteria it holds.

There's lots of topics and articles about this subject in the Beginners Section, or check my link below.

Great to have you with us, and hope you enjoy your visits.

Quite a few of the members are in the chat room on an evening around 9pm if you fancy a chat :)

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welcome :D

your cobalt gouramis is it a dwarf or the normal?

if its a normal the male has a long top fin and the girls top fin is shorter and round. if its the dwarf the girls are silver in colour.

what kind of filter do you have? some need wekly cleaning others dont need to be touched for 6months -18months

look forward to seeing you round and remember everyone has been in your shoes so ask lots of ?'s

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