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Discus aggression - HELP NEEDED


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It wasn't until recently (last month or so) that all my 4 larger Discus have started playing up and fighting over a corner covered in Indian Fern.

Both my Electric Dream and my Blue Diamond are adamant in chasing every other Discus away from it to a point where only one of them would feed/come out at a time :o and what makes it worse is that they're not eating as much as they should because they're so infatuated with keeping others away.

Them picking on my other larger Discus has also caused the larger ones to take up positions throughout the tank which means the smaller ones (3) are constantly being picked on by the others and also not getting to the food :o

Have no idea what's happening but everyone's crabby and not getting enough food

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Ryan - I have four big and four small (one seems to be a loner and doesn't associate with the rest), tank is 1.5m X 0.7m X 0.6m.

Phoenix - I might consider downsizing (if Dave's sis doesn't end up wanting hers then you can have them)

Ron - I thought it might be a pair but I've checked multiple times and no eggs or wrigglers, but I really don't think a mix between an Electric Dream and a Blue Diamond would look good anyway?

I thought maybe they had worms so I poured some Prazi into the tank after the waterchange and now no one's happy. And no one's poo'd out any worms - so I know it's not internal parasites

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But all these fish have been together since october last year - no problems until now, would've thought they would've clashed earlier on?

Thinking about downsizing to just the 4 larger Discus (getting rid of the smaller 4 :( ) and maybe adding two more adult Discus?

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I don't think they're a couple afte watching them, because the Electric Dream prefers the top corner while the Blue Diamond takes the bottom corner with aggression directed against each other when they cross the boundary.

Is there a disease that could make them isolate themselves??

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