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I have 2 tanks. One is an Aqua One 620 containing, 1 silver sailfin male molly, 1 dalmation female molly, 1 silver molly, 8 danios,1 small brsitlenose.

Other tanks is a 380 and contains 4 glow light tetras, 4 neons, 1 algae eater (the pinky orange kind!).

I am really aiming for some colour and interest! I am happy to move fish etc but would like some recommendations for fish combos. I only started with my first aquarium because I loved neons!!! I would love a betta. I change about 25% of the water once a week. I really like the colours red, blue & green if that helps with what people recommend!

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I have spent hours reseraching - it's becoming obsessive - I think I may have caught the bug!!!!!!!

Would this work?

AQO620 - 90L/19G

Ph 7-7.3

25% water changes once per week

2x Bolivian rams (done lots of reading - they sound cool -real character). I've seen the balloom ram but understand they are a mutant. I like the blue rams but they sound more difficult!

1x bristlenose

5x neon tetras

4x glowlight tetras

would this then be fully stocked?

AQO380 - change to brackish water (but I'm not sure how to do this)

3x mollies

maybe my dream of fig 8 puffers?!!!!!!!!

what about the danios?

my betta aspirations might have to take a back seat?

could I put my mollies in the 620 with the combination I gave above?

I also really love those blue tuxedo guppies!

Lots of questions I know! Thanks in advance for the help (hopefully)

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I have spent hours reseraching - it's becoming obsessive - I think I may have caught the bug!!!!!!!

Would this work?

AQO620 - 90L/19G

Ph 7-7.3

25% water changes once per week

2x Bolivian rams (done lots of reading - they sound cool -real character). I've seen the balloom ram but understand they are a mutant. I like the blue rams but they sound more difficult!

1x bristlenose

5x neon tetras

4x glowlight tetras

would this then be fully stocked?

AQO380 - change to brackish water (but I'm not sure how to do this)

3x mollies

maybe my dream of fig 8 puffers?!!!!!!!!

what about the danios?

my betta aspirations might have to take a back seat?

could I put my mollies in the 620 with the combination I gave above?

I also really love those blue tuxedo guppies!

Lots of questions I know! Thanks in advance for the help (hopefully)

I'd recommend 2 x 25% water changes, rams can be very sensitive to water conditions (more so the blue rams, but bolivians too)

Neons and glowlights school together, so they'd look pretty good. You could probably have a few more in there because they're pretty small.

In my AQ1 620 I have:

2 x GBA

2 X L270 chocolate Zebra

6 x black widow tetra

6 x guppies

2 x angel fish

It's important to cover all levels of your tank if you want it to look balanced. The rams are bottom/mid dwellers, BN is bottom, and the tetras are all mid dwellers, so you might want to think of something to put in the top level.

An AQ1 380 is WAY too small to even think about putting fig 8s into. It's only 35l!! I'd maybe put 2 in a 620 to grow out in, and even that's small. They need 60 - 80l each (60 when they're young, 80 when they're fully grown). Your best bet is getting a 980 and getting some green spotted puffers; they're way cooler (although I may be biased :oops: ). I'm happy to help if you want some more info on puffers.

Brackish water is easy, buy yourself some red sea salt from a fish shop, and a specific gravity measurer (it's like a thermometer you float in the tank). Mix up salt and and it to the tank until it the SG meter is sitting at 1.002. Repeat each week with your water changes until it is sitting at 1.008, and tada!!

EDIT - just read your pH on your 620; rams prefer a lower pH around 6.4 - 7.0. The other fish will be happy in the lower pH too. Add some driftwood which will help bring down the pH. Also, BN need it to keep their digestive system working, so it's a 2 for 1 deal!

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Thanks for that info lmsmith. water changes not a problem. My water ph is a little on the high side and I have to work quite hard to get it down. There is already a large piece of wood in there. Is there a natural way of bringing down the ph that I could put in my tank?

OK so I give up on the puffers - maybe one day!!!!!

Would my mollys be able to stay in my 620 with the rams?

If I could keep the mollys int the 620 I could transfer the danios and get a betta to put in with them!

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