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How do I add an avatar?


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Check under the 'The NZ Fishroom website' section for answers to your questions about avatars.

Probably no more styles for quite a while. Each style takes about 2 full days to modify to fit our format + then it has to be tested and we need to make sure it's 100% compatible with our version etc...

Would you like to do it for us? I'd be more than happy to accept help from volunteers. You'll need your own server to test it though - or I could give you access to mine. Any new style suggestions would need to be approved by the FNZAS committee first however.

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Would you like to do it for us? I'd be more than happy to accept help from volunteers. You'll need your own server to test it though - or I could give you access to mine. Any new style suggestions would need to be approved by the FNZAS committee first however.

OK, I've never done it before but I'm up for the challenge :bounce:

I'll need access to your server though as I don't have one.

@ K1w1, I completed missed that setting :oops:

Thank you :)

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Cool, thanks. I'll set you up with ftp access to my server and create a dummy forum so you can get things going. Further correspondence will be by email.

Before you do anything though, it would be best to send me the details of any new styles so they can be approved before you start any work.

It's a steep learning curve if you've never done this before. You'll need to learn how to write html and php code and understand how other people have written the existing code so you can easily modify it or trace where to modify it.

On Feb 7th we have a committee meeting so we can discuss and approve any new proposed styles at that meeting. As long as I know what styles you'd like added a couple of days prior to the meeting I can prepare slides to demo at the meeting.

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I haven't done anything like this before but have dabbled with html. With your guidance and some help from others who have created board styles before, I should be able to get there - not sure if in time for the Feb 7 deadline though but I'll do my best :)

I look forward to receiving your email *insert thumbsup smilie* - incidentally, any chance we could also look at adding some more smilies too?

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I don't really want to get involved in the process too much or I may as well just do it myself. As long as any guidance is very minimal I will be happy. However, if I need to answer 2-3 questions a day I won't be happy. I'm rather hoping anyone who wants to give this a go will learn for themselves. Others have already expressed some interest in this so if I'm trying to support 2-3 people it's likely to take more time than if I did it myself.

Incidentally, I'm not expecting finished styles by Feb 7th, just point me to the style template you want to start with on one of the style download forums...

Before you start any work on modifying the style to format it for consistency with our existing styles it will need to be approved at the committee meeting. It will also need to meet our style specification requirements. Just tell me what the template is for the style so I can look it up and print it off. I'll include our style specification in the email I send out.

If you're going to try to create a new style from scratch you will need many years experience before you even consider it.

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