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Name that catfish


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Gidday all,

A few months ago a certain silver coloured Mystus catfish caught my eye at my local LFS. Then never saw him again, so assumed he was bought. Well, a few days ago I spotted him. Seems that someone's put him in the plant tank on his own because he's nasty. Turns out he likes to tear the stomach's out of Angel fish and others that get put in with him. Well, I've always been the kind of person to forgive and forget - plus, he's incredibly cool!

Problem is I've got no idea what sort of species it is, so I can't buy a tank to suit him if I don't know how big he'll get. Is there a list of catfish we're allowed in NZ?

It's about 6-7 inches long currently, and appears to be very similar to the one below, but more of a dark gray/silver colour with a faint dark circular spot near the tail (caudal peduncle).


PS: I've spotted a cheap AR380 - about 35 litres, and am wondering if this is suitable. Instinct would tell me no, but if he's on his own and is already fully grown...

//EDIT: I went in there today and to my horror, someone had put an odessa barb in with him - his barbles were mangled :[, will these grow back?

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This is the closest one I can find to what he looks like.

It looks exactly the same as the one below, a Mystus micracanthus, or two spot catfish. Obviously, there seems to be a problem with this conclusion. As it's markings look nothing like other "two spot catfish".


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did any one in store know what it was?

(it wasn't a pictus was it?)

Mr. tall teen with a mop on your head :lol: (sounds like me really) Do you have an idea what it could have been?

Romeo - I know the whiskers do grow back - but i think a 380 will indeed be too small for it.

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Says their max size is 5 inches, so either I'm exaggerating it's size, or it's a different species. I've got a spare 2 foot tank, but the seals are completely poked (thanks to a lying user of that website).

As we speak I'm wildly sending of PMs to Spoon to see if he's got any spare tanks that may be suitable!


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He's mine! He's about 13cm+ long, and only cost me $11 - on account of his aggression and injury. The European fish keeper guy at Animates gave me a really good deal on him - the other guy wanted to charge me $65 for him! They all seemed happy he was going to a new home, which is what really matters at the end of the day.

So far I've still got to get a tank, but if worst comes to worst I've got a near-death 2 footer in the garage that I can reseal. Animates is holding him until I can pick him up, so good on them. I got a new submersible 100w heater, 200lph filter, small 9w Jebo lamp and a big bottle of Melafix for him.

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