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New discus


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I have two new discus to add to the existing 4 in the tank. Heres some pics (bored nothing to do). Collected them Monday, the blue snakeskin is female, she spawned with the pigeon but he wasn't the dominant male in the tank. The white diamond chased him away and after 24 hours someone ate the eggs :o

First two pics are my new discus.

And Dixon - the hatchet pic is for you.





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HOLY MOLY! that is FANTASTIC! that's the best planted nz discus tank i've seen so far very well done mate. it's probably the most challenging to pull off too....because the size of discus and their bright colours can sometimes not blend in with the rest of the aquascape. but you hit the nail on the head......tree root type driftwood and big leafy ferns. what is that tall one with the runners?

and wow those discus are brilliant that red/orange pigeon....full kudos to discusguru! yeah i've always loved the blue snakeskins ay...something about them.

ps in your 2nd to last pic i note you've got a confused neon tetra (top, middle) wondering why he can't get jiggy with his larger cardinal cousins

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