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Blue Ram???


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I'm doing my homework before investing in some new fish for my 130L tank and need some advice.

Tank is currently cycling and I will be adding tetras(6 - 9) and a bristlenose first well in advance of any cichlid pair that I get.

Is the Blue Ram the same as the Dwarf Butterfly or are they slightly different.

Have done lots of reading on the net about these and some sites say they are different, some the same, but not much to be found in New Zealand (unless I'm not looking in the right place) :roll: .

How easy are they to acquire, and how difficult are they to keep.

I would be considering just one pair to start with.

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they are completely different (though from the same species). blue rams are smaller and far more sensitive to water conditions than the bolivian butterfly rams. the bolivians are a pretty fish too - bear in mind they usually look ugly in pet shops but after a while in the home aquaria, they look awesome.

look at my post in the "show us your south american cichlids" thread, and look for the bolivian rams.

they are really awesome too. males are prettier than females, and get nice long fins. and these fish are really hardy, and even survived a horrible disease outbreak in my tank that killed most of the other fish.s

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As phoenix said bolivian butterfly rams and blue rams are different species although they belong to the same genus..

However I wouldn't be surprised if you did enough googling you would find blue rams called butterfly rams on various sites.. It is the problem with using common names they differ from person to person and from country to country.

The difference should be very obvious if you were looking at them in a store bolivians are usually bigger and have nowhere near the iridescent colours of the blue rams still a very nice fish and alot hardier than blue rams.

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i breed them.. lol.. but the babies are great food for my other fish so that's the cycle of life for them i suppose.

these fish always look manky in shops. but if they show the slightest signs of good colour buy them, and grow them up... you won't regret it... they are actually quite cool. i just bought another one today.

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well scoop some baby Bolivian Rams out for me next time they become free swimming! I'd rather buy from you :D

But WHAT is good colouring on these starving looking petshop Rams Phoenix?? I've stared and stared and left not buying a thing...secretly hoping they'll order another batch in and I'll get them before they end up shrunken.

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let me know when you comin to palmy next - ill keep some in animates over for you then.

you've seen my bolivian im sure (the pic in the other thread), he was from there. was thin, and had big eyes as they all do, but all 5 that i got coloured up really well. got another one today - also is thin but had faint colours on her (i think) so will let you know how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man looks like I will have to roadtrip upto Palmy on a day off work - most the staff in the lower hutt animates are pretty clueless when it comes to fish, one staff told me there were no such thing as fry sponge filters and that all filters need to have a motor :roll: despite me telling her otherwise.

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