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Haven't been here for awhile, was working 2 jobs. Wowie, what a nice set up, see I'll have to get used to a few things. Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make the changes. :hail::hail:

I guess my exciting news is we have a new pet shop just opened for Christmas. Soooooo many fishies that you couldn't get here before. I see I'll have a real hard time deciding what to put in my 55 gallon, if I ever can figure out where to put it :oops: :-?

I saw a golden nugget pleco, gee hope I called it by the right name. BEAUTIFUL to see in person :P They have a clown pleco, only small though. The golden nugget was $59.95 Canadian, does that sound like a lot for it or not? They were all sold out but they will have cardinal tetras, anxious to see them; they have rummy nose tetras, cherry barbs...and the list goes on...YIPPEE.

HOPE EVERYBODY HAD A GREAT CHRISTMAS! Misse you all and see I have lot of catching up to do and now that we have a real honest to goodness pet store, that will mean more questions too :oops: :P



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Thanks all for the welcome back :bounce:

Yes, like a kid in a candy store. My sons gave me gift certificates for Christmas for the pet store, but have just been browsing for now.

I am so anxious to get my 55 gallon up and running but the problem is I don't have a lot of space :evil: . But at least now I'll have much more fish to choose from...once I decide what I'm going to do with it :lol: :lol:

Oh Caryl, darn too bad you'll be on the opposite end of Canada. Sure would love to meet you in person. Is that a stop over on your way to Scotland?????


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Aren't they beautiful!!! I wonder though, are they considered good algae eaters???

Just did some reading, some sites say good algae eaters, some say not. What are people's experiences with these beautiful fish?

$150, darn someone once told me how to convert between Canadian and New Zealand but I forget now.

I can go in that store and just look at the fishies for such a long time, such a variety!


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