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What to feed happy goldfish?


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Hi guys,

Somewhere on the site I once found a post about all the things it's good to feed goldies. Um .. and now I can't find it.

They love peas! I'm REALLY pleased to learn about peas. What else?

( Now they're inside and quite big I realize they're getting hungry more often. One recently got a bit blocked up because of greediness, so they fasted for a day.

= 4 depressed mutinous fish staring at me from the same spot! )

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They always look depressed and mutinous! :lol:

Being opportunistic they will probably have a go at most things. Try various fruits and vegetables. Make sure they have not been sprayed, or have been washed well. Peeling them may be a good idea if you are unsure.

I have had my daughter out-law here and even though she fed the fish every time she went out to the pond (which was often) they always acted as though they were neglected and starved!

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i found a site that said lettuce, egg, other veges... what veges do people feed them?

Also I know now to soak pellets or dip flakes first so that they don't gulp air. It's good to understand that the gulping of air can be a big contributor to balance / bloating disorders

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Fish are opportunistic feeders. In the wild they would go for anything that dropped into their water (ie fruit off trees). Try various things and see if they like them. Blanch stuff like cabbage first as it is too tough for them to digest fully.

It is the full bodied fancy goldfish who usually develop the swim bladder problems. They have such contorted intestines, thanks to the selective breeding, that it doesn't take much to upset them. My pond fish (comets and fantails) all feed flake at the surface with no problems. I have never bothered feeding them anything else. They also get plenty from what drops in from above in the way of insects.

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