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Hi everyone. I bought my first 38 litre tank last year and yesterday bought a Aqua One 620! Really looking forwrad to filling it! I live in Raglan and work in Hamilton. Looking forward to receiving some useful and interesting info. Cheers, Z

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It would be helpful if I knew what 'how are you going to cycle your tank' meant?!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bought my tank as it was a display tank. So it has been in use. They emptied it there and then for me, I brought it home and filled it straight away. The pump is running and the light, and I have put plants in. It has those carbon filter pads as well a the black sponge stuff. My understanding is that it already has a lot of healthy bacteria in it and so won't be as hard to set up as my first tank? I was presuming I should leave it for a couple of weeks and then put in fish gradually. As you can obviously tell I am an excited beginner!!!!!!!! I caught the bug! I only started because I loved tetra neons!!!!!!!!!

I have been looking at fish today and done some research. I like angels, gouramis, danios, guppies & tetras. I also really like cichlids (blue texas & jewel) but understand I can't have anything with them?

I am probably going to go for a community tank for the interest. SO at the moment thinking a combo of angels, danios/ tetras and gouramis might be nice. BUT I have no idea how many I can put in there!

Any advice most gratefully recieved.

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Hi and welcome. The filter was full of good bacteria but if it just sitting running in an empty tank the bacteria will die off as they have nothing to feed on (ie fish waste). If it is a separate filter, I would suggest running it on your established tank until you are ready to add fish to the new one. Then it will stay established.

Have a look here to see what we mean by cycling.

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