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PH and water hardness


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Sorry everyone, I feel like I am bombarding you all with questions. The problem is that once I start thinking about things I start wanting to know more and more. Please, if one of the moderators feel I am asking too much just email me and politely tell me to slow down :))

I've been looking on the net and in books but I can't find the information I know I saw previously.

I seem to remember reading that PH and hardness usually, but not always, go hand in hand but I can't remember which way round it was. Is alkaline water usually hard and acid usually soft? Or is it the other way round?

Thanks, and I will try to keep my curiousity under a bit more control from now on :)


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Alkaline water tends to have high hardness, acidid water tends to have low hardness(Soft) There are exceptions, of course, but generally that's how it is. Harder water also generally resists changes in PH more than soft water.

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