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freshwater crayfish breeding

K R Brown

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Yeah like dixon said don't let them go.

You would probably be better off (if you want to keep them) putting them in a another tank to raise them.

I'm not sure about how the parents look after the babies because they might look after them?

Btw, are you talking past tense? as in, you used to have your tank?

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wow, congratulations!

Firstly congrats for being able to keep several in the same tank without them eating each other! ;)

Crayfish reproduction....

They mate fact to face. (random trivia ;))

The females hold the eggs under thunder their tail, externally. ('in berry')

The northern cray (which presumably yours are, if locally caught) stay in the eggs over winter I think, quite a few months anyway.

The babies hang on to the mother with a special hook on one pair of legs. After the hook dissappears (after the second moult) they leave the mother.

There can be a long time between the first and last hatching, and between the first and last baby leaving the mother.

Everything is temperature dependant. They grow faster if it is warmer (within the paramaters of a coldwater habitat, they should NOT ever be put in a tropical situation)

I don't know if the babies are at much risk from the adults, but due to the adults inclination to eat each other I would suspect there is risk.

However if there is plenty of cover they might escape detection...

As the others said, don't release them. But :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: for having bred them, albeit accidentally!

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