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perfect parameters for breeding guppies


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Hey all!

I've just been convinced to try line breeding a beautiful guppy I bought from the Livebearer show.

I've set up a brand new tank, with the idea of growing plants in it as well as breeding the guppies.

I have set the tank up from scratch - new clean water (no old aquarium water added) new filter etc to try and avoid any snails i already have.

I have the guppies in another tank, and tonight i tested the pH of both the guppy tank and the new guppy/plant tank. Guppies at 6.6/6.8 and plants at about 7.8. What would be the ideal pH for both the guppies and the plants to thrive in harmony?

I've had a nosey round the internet but seem to get conflicting info about pH levels, although the common theme seems to be consistency more than anything.

Can anyone give me any advice, suggestions or help?

Cheers! :bounce:

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Certainly do!!!

I'm going to line breed my show fish, and breed your males to my blonde female to get something new and exciting for me to look at.

You can faff me round the ear'ole any time you like - just be warned you have fair competition for the stirrers spoon!!! :lol:

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I have a bit of wood I could put in, and I have peat as well, but doesn't peat make water changes a little more complicated an time consuming?

I read you have to soak peat in the new clean water for a while before putting the water in the tank to replace what you took out.

That would mean I have to be uber organised for tank cleaning!

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