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Demasonis are breeding (pics)


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This thread carries on from a thread I started earlier on this year about my first african tank.

The fish have all started breeding now and here are a few pics of the breeding demasoni. There are around 20 odd demasonis in the colony.

Female demasoni holding:


You can see the eggs through her throat area:


Holding females can occasionally be quite aggressive:



Demasoni wrigglers:



These pics are taken two days later. The stripes are beginning to form on the young fry.


And the young demasoni fry:




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Thanks for the comments.

neat pics of the fish - I really liked the way the tank looked when you first set it up, so what does it look like now, can you post a full tank shot?

The fish have grown really well.

The fish are no longer in the 3 foot tank.

They were moved to a 4 foot and will now be moving to a new 6 foot that I am currently setting up. Will post pics when the move is complete.

Man, they're really cute!

How old are the fry that are coloured? How big are they?

The coloured fry are about 4 weeks old since stripping (they were wrigglers when I stripped them). They are just over 1cm in total length.

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Awesome man congrats :) The babies colour up real fast aye.. They breed like mad just have to go to all the hassle to keep catching them stripping them etc.

I had a bit of a disaster with my demasoni while I was away lost the whole adult breeding colony only have 2 left :( However I kept back 20odd babies so will have to grow them out and start again..

What are you plans stocking wise for the 6fter?

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hey Ryan,

Sorry to hear about your breeding colony of dems. What was your m/f ratio by the way? You don't have to wait too long to establish your colony again - the baby dems grow up pretty quickly!

At the moment, I have around 20 dems, 20 yellows, group of baenschi, group of electras, couple of giraffes and 3 cynotilapias. I had this crazy idea of going mass dems and maybe stick in 50-100 of them! I was also looking at a group of tropheus. Time will tell.


Updates on my cichlid tank are posted in this thread.


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