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Macro ID


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I have always struggled to Grow any macro in my temperate, native seahorse tank. I have plunked things like the odd seaweed and even macros from my troppo in there and they maintain/hang in there or slowly die... recently though, I finally actually have something Growing and am happy about that, BUT it has spread quite quickly and I'm not sure what it is; I hope it is not some nuisance algae accidentally introduced! :o

Anyone know?


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Ok, it's Tseweidius Browin Waveii.:P

I doubt it'd be a problem, I don't think there are any macro algaes that are bad, just an annoyance if they grow over everthing. And I doubt you have corals in that tank anyway. Seahorses should love it.

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Thanks Stella... I was hoping for something a bit more definitive

Ok, it's Tseweidius Browin Waveii.:P

LOL :P funny guy

It did start to worry me because it sprouted everywhere, proliferating on all the plastic hitches and sponge intake! I'm just curious why something is growing Now, after 4 years of failure... and no husbandry changes. Except I did collect some water offshore a few months back, instead of my normal beachwater...hmmm, maybe it favours low light, as one of my old bulbs died...and cold water. I'm using same water in my troppo, but no sign of it there.

Ah well. I AM enjoying it, whatever it is. I just like to Know these things ;)

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  • 4 months later...

I would be glad to!

On other forums I am able to, but I don't see where here... how do I embed pics on this forum?

I think I used to directly post here, but have had problems posting pics since the "new look/forum update"

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