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what's a good floating plant?


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Lemna sp.

Can withstand a little bit of current but not so great with surface turbulence (like bubbles etc).

Little round leaf 'platelets' and roots that hang down. Long if no current, short if current.

Provides surface cover for lurking fish.

Lots of people loathe it but I love it. Usual hates: fast growing and hard to eradicate. I just scoop most of it out each fortnight (takes excess nutrient out too!) and eradication is just a matter of being thorough.

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A lot of stem plants get their nutrients from the water column rather than the substrate, so if you like the look they will grow well as floating plants. In my experience hygro and ambulia will both grow indefinitely as floating plants.

Depending on what look you're going for, you could plant the base of both plants, then just leave the tops to grow longer and longer until they cover the surface of the water.

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yeah I'm after something sturdy my fighter can blow bubble nests onto, at the moment he's blowing bubble nests on the Riccia which doesn't hold well...I've got some kind of Aponogeton growing and it seems to be going for gold in my main tank

I'll be moving him to a smaller tank (10L) so the plant would have to be short too...

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The giant vallisneria is illegal throughout the country and I understand the other tall but thinner one (which I think is V. americana) is banned in some locations because the powers can't tell the difference when they are young. Any twisted Vallisneria are allowed.The ideal plant you want may be Echinodrus uraguayensis which grows in my tank to about 650mm and looks like a giant Vallisneria. It would grow well potted in a bare tank where as vallisneria throws out runners. I have bred many fighters successfully and have never used floating plants. I used to do it in a small tank with no filter or airstone to disturb the surface.

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another interesting plant i have seen is a type of duckweed but bigger with longer roots and its red on top fadind to green .redwood aquatics gave me some a while back all gone now tho

azolla? one of the smallest fern in the country if not the smallest, it goes from green to deep rep-purple depending on nutrient uptake

great plant but i havent had much luck growing it in an aquarium (not tht ive tried tht hard but it def doesnt take over tanks like lemna/duckweed), does well outdoors but doesnt like frosts and i have a fealing it dies off in tropical tanks but could be wrong, great plant though my turtles can eat half a bucket of the stuff in a day or 2 :o

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