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Turtle story on 'stuff' news


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"Truck" one of our turtles came to us as she had been run over by a truck

split her shell open on one side and a piece was adrift from the rest of shell

we fibreglassed her back together and 6 months later it fell off with new shell grown underneath

the new piece of shell has no scutes on it

12 years on she is one of our best breeders

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Truck sounds like one lucky turtle. :) "Avon"... (came out of the Avon river a couple of years ago)... Had a hole right thru her shell the size of a 20c piece. I just cleaned, iodined and kept dry docking her at night over the winter and it amazingly grew a skin which then hardened. Incredible what they can recover from, but pity they have to. :( She's had pneumonia, eye infections, vit A deficiency... and was SOOO shy you hardly saw her for months, but shes now really placid and healthy. She's kinda special after what she's been thru. A real survivor. :D

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