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Strange sprouting


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Hi, I am hoping for some advice. I have a male kribensis who is about 6 years old that is sprouting strange white filaments his head.


See image at link: http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee60 ... /Fish2.jpg

The tank is 60L and has been established for nearly 3 years. It is fitted with a canister type filter and healthy live plants. There is the krib, 2 gold bushy-nosed plecos, about 10 neon tetras and a rougue snail or two. I generally feed flake, brine shrimp or bloodworms once daily but am very, very careful not to overfeed. I test the water bi-weekly and there have been no problems at all. I vacuum and do 25% water changes once a month.

The krib seems fine otherwise but I am concerned at how this sudden issue has come up. Is it a fungus? Or...? Any ideas for treatments?

Thanks, Jen

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Hi Jen. That looks like the start of a fungus, probably at the site of a small wound.

Treat him with Meth Blue in a smaller tank if you can but it looks minor so maybe a good water change and some salt in the tank would be enough.

I would also increase your water changing regime. I do a minimum of 25%, usually 50%, on my tanks weekly. I've noticed fish with small wounds in my tanks but they always heal up without treatment.


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Oh, that was quite useful. According to the article a 3 week 'bath' treatment involves adding about 1 teaspoon per 4L and then do a 25% water change per week (not adding any more salt). I will give it a go and hopefully he will recover! :)


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That looks like a fungal infection secondary to a wound. Keep his water as clean as possible and it should come right on its own.

I don't think a salt bath is needed myself. All the salt does is irritate the fish and make it create more mucus. More mucus will not, in this case, get rid of the fungus.

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Oh, so don't add any salt at all? Would it be suitable to keep the water clean by doing 50% water changes daily? Or is there a more suitable regime? Also, should I add any water conditioners or anything like Melafix?

He sems to have perked up a bit, although he isn't eating now.



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If you want to do the salt bath then by all means do so. It is a personal dislike of mine to add anything to a tank if you don't have to. Besides which, on the rare occasions I have tried the salt treatment the fish promptly died so perhaps I am biased. 50% changes a day would be good and I would not add anything else to the water, but that is just me. Go with the majority :lol:

If the fungus worsens, or does not improve (it may end up like scab in that the fungus remains until you wipe, or knock, it off but the wound underneath has healed well) then use an anti-fungal treatment.

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