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Sick Gourami - Help!


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We have 4 Gouramis, have had them well over a month now (tank is only a couple weeks older than that). While have lost the odd neon and Tiger, these guys have been the 'rock' of the community. Never had any problems.....till now. Noticed lastnight one of the blue gouramis was at the bottom on its side not looking the bes. It occasionally perked up and would move.

Expected to wake up this morning to see it dead but no still alive, but again looking listless and not well.

Any ideas on what (i know thats vague there could be 100 problems). Water seems fine, we are on tank supply. The other 3 Goruram's look fine.

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How is the outward appearance, any signs of injury, etc.? Is he eating?


cant see any injuries, i guess with the tigers they could have harassed him.

I feed them lastnight, hoping to get some life out of him....think it worked a little at the time.

I guess ill have to see how he is when i get home.

Be gutted to lose him

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You said that the water seems fine, did you test? How many barbs do you have?


yep tested the water, fine..have done regular 20-25% water changes weekly since we got the tank (late July)

have currently 6 tigers, along with the 4 gouramis, 8 neons and some kuhlis.

135 liter tank

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I don't have gourami's just trying to think of anything that might seem obvious, sorry not much help.

Hopefully, someone can help.

Anything new added to the tank?


Thats cool...nah tank has been settled for a few weeks now.

did clean the inside of algae over the weekend,

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Sorry Virgil I'm at a loss. Hopefully someone can shed some light. Although, I thought I have read before like Simian said some gouramis are prone to "illness" for lack of a better word.

Keep up with the water changes and see if you can catch any of the other fish harassing him.


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Sorry Virgil I'm at a loss. Hopefully someone can shed some light. Although, I thought I have read before like Simian said some gouramis are prone to "illness" for lack of a better word.

Keep up with the water changes and see if you can catch any of the other fish harassing him.


Cheers mate, like you said someone who has had them in the past may have seen it before. IF its an isolated case then i guess its just one of those things.

Just hope thats all it is.

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Is it the smallest? The runt can get bullied.

Are its gills red? Could have an infection.

They seem to be about the same size, its bright blue so havent noticed any injuries or redness .Assuming its still alive when i get home ill take a closer look.

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Is it the smallest? The runt can get bullied.

Are its gills red? Could have an infection.


Just got home, pleased to say he is fine. Have 2 of them so assume im looking at the right one!

On 1 side theres noticeably a small red area just beneath his fin (the side one). Looks like an injury as opposed to a rash etc...

what should i do?

Like i said he is moving around ok, both of them are (really cant be 100% sure its the right one!)

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Does the wound look 'furry' or bloody, like a graze, or more like a swelling?

Is he breathing faster than usual, or scratching?

Are his fins torn at all? If he's been attacked, I'd expect the fins and tail to have tears or bits missing. Maybe he's scratched himself on something sharp in the tank, and he's just healing.

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Does the wound look 'furry' or bloody, like a graze, or more like a swelling?

Is he breathing faster than usual, or scratching?

Are his fins torn at all? If he's been attacked, I'd expect the fins and tail to have tears or bits missing. Maybe he's scratched himself on something sharp in the tank, and he's just healing.

Hard to say, doesnt keep still long enough for me to see!

Does seem bright red with a pale center.

The fin right above it is very small anyway so hard to see if its torn.

ill try take some pics and post them

cheers again

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look up iridovirus (i think the spelling is correct) - gouramis are prone to it especially dwarfs

i have found that dwarf gouramis do much better on twice weekly water changes or even more frequent if you can be bothered

when i had dwarf gourami fry i was doing a 40% change twice or more a day. i missed one change and they only got 1 change that day and half of them died. i dunno why but dwarf gouramis just love having their water changed

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look up iridovirus (i think the spelling is correct) - gouramis are prone to it especially dwarfs

i have found that dwarf gouramis do much better on twice weekly water changes or even more frequent if you can be bothered

when i had dwarf gourami fry i was doing a 40% change twice or more a day. i missed one change and they only got 1 change that day and half of them died. i dunno why but dwarf gouramis just love having their water changed

Cheers, looks like a nasty virus!

Must admit twice weekly water changes doesnt thrill me!..but will keep that in mind and will be watching the remaining Gourami's closely.

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