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Altolamprologus calvus?


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Pretty sure as long as they are a compatible pair they will be ok in a smaller tank.. I don't know if they're on the list or not I think David R has checked?


Alto comp's are around I know of a few people who have pairs, haven't heard of any babies floating around, but it is only a matter of time.. They will still probably be quite expensive as they are very very slow growing/maturing..

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/a ... siceps.php

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They will breed quite easily in a small tank

Though as said they take forever to get to a sellable size so they wont be cheap

Also Comps dont come in a Black so if U saw black ones they might be Young Sumbu possibly

But as said MAF wouldnt have a hope in telling them apart unless they knew exactly what they are looking at

All you need is a dodgy Wholesaler overseas to mislable them

Sure it happens all the time anyways

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http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/files/im ... ic.all.pdf

Above is the link to the latest permitted list..Also i submitted hundreds that were imported by us in the past and are on the list...BUT MAF still failed to include the list as was know in nz..They had it as i was asked to comment and add to it...Covered most africans here and many others...

They just done half the job....Think as there was a big movement of staff..

But also remember i still see current imports in stores that are on no lists...Never know your luck..What ever you want might just turn up.....Phill

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How easy would it be to get calvus in if you had connections. I mean at 2-3cm... I could tell the difference, but many couldn't.

Just to tease, here is a pick of a male white calvus I have. I used to keep a breeding trio in a 4x1x1... he knocked off both girls the bastard.

Currently raising about 10 more, should be breeding in about 6 months. These guys take about 2 years to get to maturity. :o Takes 6 months to raise fry to 3cm.

Very cool fish.


Frenchy :D

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Mine eat flake food, mysis shrimp, live brine every now & then as a treat. I try not to feed them much in the way of pallets. The jaw can dislocate easy.

I raise my altos in a pretty much bare tank, so the dom male doesn't bash the rest.... These guys are great jumpers, no gaps in lids.

Once I can figure out best looking male, I start getting rid of the other males. I sex them on body shape.

I use barnacle shells fro breeding. I have tried shells, but they can get stuck in them, once again dam male.

I like the barnacle shell too as you can see eggs, fry etc. The trick here is to take the fry out before they leave the safety of the shell. Once again, dam male, food source.

Raising fry can be very difficult. I have found the white calvus to be hard to raise, as has a couple of mates of mine.

What worked best was bare tank, live micro worm culture. Constant small water changes. I think with this species, live food is best in the early stages. I have tried fry food with limited success.

I do my water changes be emptying the fry tank 1/2 way down. Then topping the fry tank back up with water from the parents tank. {I had fry tanks under parents tanks}Which I had water changed earlier in the day. I use air line tubing to syphon the water in. The young are fragile to changes in water.

The fry can be bastards to when it comes to eating each other. I have had 4 2fts with fry at different stages, just to separate them out.

As I said earlier its 6 months to get them to 3cm.

Frenchy :D

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Good luck with it all. In my case, once I notice the wrigglers starting to separate in the shell, is the time to move them.

Bait the female away from the shell with food. I had one female used to just bolt when the hand went in. the other used to attack me or shoot straight in the barnacle shell.

Get yourself some micro worm culture just in case.

Frenchy :D

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I was lucky enough to be given these guys so first couple of batchs have been promised for.

Think I need them to spawn for me first B4 I get ahead of myself :D

Only problem is finding enough room to separate Alto's in there own tanks as fish room has just gone crazy with fish spawning.

Even my Tropheus Brichardi (3 females) are holding. :lol:

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