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Lionheads - aggressive towards GBAs?


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I just got 6 of the cutest GBAs ever - about 2cm (thanks Phill!), and was going to put 3 in a tank with some breeding corys, and the other 3 in with my 14 small (5-6cm) lionheads. I put 1 in with the lionheads, and one of the lions tried to bite him. I took it out, and put them all in with my corys. I wonder if the biting was just because they always get fed live food and anything that moves is food?

I thought lionheads were supposed to be peaceful towards bottom dwellers? Is it just that the GBAs are so small and new, or are they going to try to eat everything smaller than them that moves?

Also, how big do you think I should wait for them to get before I put them in my community tank with some very aggressive angels?

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They should be ok with the lionheads.. I can stick them in at around 3-4cm's long into my tank with fully grown lionheads kadango's and stuff like that. The lionheads might initially chase them around a bit but the gba's are good at hiding so can hide and the lionheads shouldn't be able to fit them in their mouth's so should give up on it.. If your worried about it then just wait until they've grown a bit with the cories and try them again, maybe introduce them at night so they can settle and find hiding places.

I wouldn't stick them with the angels until they are big enough not to fit in the angels mouths angels are great at eating things...

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We have found that Lumpheads\Lionheads\Buffaloheads are not peaceful towards anything that dwells on the bottom especially if they are pairing up or breeding.

We have had medium Lumpheads kill full sized Cories and Bn's as they do not like anything near their territory. They will harass them to death.

Once paired up or if you have aggresive males (especially if you have other males with them) they seem to kill anything that comes close to them or their territory. (ie: Danios, Gourami, Bn's, Cories anything really even other males or other females once paired up)


(Just our experience with keeping them for years and breeding them also)


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Could also be as you got small starter grades...I have 4.5 cm in with all malawi's and fish dont even look at them..I also find when adding a new fish ..Before whoevers in tank..Stuff with food..Makes them then a bit lazy..Someting new is considered as might be snack here...But if that dont work ,,Put them in in the dark,But watch again at first light..But think size is the problem..Remember the rules..What gets in the mouth gets eaten.........Phill

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Thanks for the replies. They're really happy in with the corys, and the corys just don't care. They've found lots of little hidey holes, but have been really active cleaning all the algae I've been growing for them. Hopefully when they're a bit bigger I'll be able to try again with the lionheads.

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