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Advice Please - Eggs on sides of my community tank today


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Hi, Any advice please - my 120 litre tank houses guppies, 2 peppered corys, 2 bristlenoses, another little sucker type fish that never seems to grow, plus 1 platy. Today, I found that there were eggs inside the bristlenose cave and the male is guarding and fanning them which I read up about and is all good, then just now I have found eggs on all the sides of the glass - I'm thinking they must be from the corys because they are the only egg-layers left so, my question is, what should I do about the cory eggs? Talk about all go in this tank! LOL

Other than the guppies, this is the first experience we've had with any of the fish breeding so all advice appreciated. cheers

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Hi, thanks for the replies - I moved them into a net last night and this morning there seems to be a large number still there so will give it a go and see what happens, have nothing to lose. :-) I do have a couple of small tanks I can use for raising young in. I'm just fascinated that it all happened on the same day with both the bristlenoses and the corys.


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