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Help - what are they???


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I've just got up and feed our fish. While watching I saw to tiny babyfish in the back of the tank. What are they??? They are about 1cm long, black in the back and sort of pink/white in the front half with black eyes. Why are there onl two, I thought fish have lots of babys? And what should we do with them? Where keep them and what feed them? We have only had our tank for 2 weeks. 10 Neons, 3 plattys, 2 mollys, 1 otto, 2 albino coreys and 1 yellow bristel nose since yesterday.

I have also done my first waterchange and cleande the gravel yesterday.

Can anybody please tell what to do with them...

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There were probably alot more than 2 fry to start with but they just got eaten.

When my platties breed the fry looked orange and just like a miniture version of its parents. My guess is they are albino corydoras as they have pink and are quite big.

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If they have black eyes they won't be albino cory's. I'd would say that they are baby Platies. Chances are they will get eaten if you don't move them out of that tank or seperate them somehow (e.g. by a breeding trap placed in the tank). If you can seperate them just feed them finely crushed up flake.

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Well, I have just been up the road and bought one of these net cages and I also managed to catch one!!! I'm very proud of that as I have never ever caught a fish in my life!!! Yes there was only one baby left, but maybe the other one is hiding. We'll see. So how often and what do I feed that one?

I can't wait to see what it looks like in a few days. How fast do fish grow?

We have two red plattys, 1 'mickey mouse' platty (the other one died last week) - with a little bit of black in one of the fins and our golden mollys are bright orange. Oh well I suppose I'll have to wait now.


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