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Urgent Help Needed Re Discus Bloat


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When I got up this morning found my Discus blaoted and floating on top of tank.

I have not changed my routine or feeding.

Discus all 12 cm plus and tank up and running for last 2 years


Partial water change...will do more but water here is cold at this time of year

Airation Plus plus

Trimmed Plants way back to stop them getting caught and damaging skin if they have droped slime coat

Any further advice would be greatly appreachiated.


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Sorry to hear about this Nav..

I don't really have any advice but some things to think about..

Did all of your discus get it or only one?

If all of them got it then it is likely to be something to do with diet (I know you haven't changed it but maybe your food went off or it is from wrong food for too long?) Or water conditions?

If the fish are floating then its likely their swim bladders are playing up, has the swim bladder blown up or is the stomach?

About all I can think of is maybe try some epsoms salt to relieve the internal swelling and maybe pass anything that might be stuck?

Have you got any pictures?

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This can be a hard one to solve because the fish won't eat, but try doing a large (75%) change with water a couple of degrees cooler than the tank - that can help reduce the bloat (the gas cools and reducs pressure) allowing the blockage to pass. Turn the lights out (reduces heat on the surface of the water / discomfort). Wait 'till morning. If it passes then feed lots of bloodworms over the next week.

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Thanks for the advice.

I have lost 4 of my 5 Red Pigeons.

Will try get photos up.

Had done 3 20% water changes and left filter nozzles up over water to increase airation.

temp up at 28 deg mark but new water coming in has cooled that to about 26.

This has been a long week.

bugger it all.


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is Discus bloat same as malawi bloat? If they are similar, and can be treated with metro, u can go to the vet at Hornby Veterinary Centre. Well, they will change you $45 for consultation fee and they will only prescribe to you if u bring your fish in. Good luck with your fish

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Thanks all.

Didnt manage any photos tonight.

remain fish is a little stressed but no bloat.

have done 20-30% water changes over the day.

Have done 4 of them now.

Remaining fish kuhli, whips, blue rams all good.

Thank you all for your help.

Will do more water changes on the morrow and will then be looking for other options/fish I guess


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