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what cichlid will not do well in a comunity tank


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Dwarf cichlids would be your best bet. I've found the majority of SA cichlids to be pretty calm tempered and would be fine in a community tank except, like most fish, they'll eat anything that fits in their mouths and they tend to have pretty big mouths.

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I'm fully lost eh.

1. The term 'cichlid' covers such a broad range of fish it is impossible to make generalisations about them.*

2. Are you getting lionheads or bolivian rams or what? Or have you already got them?

3. Why on earth is this thread in the T&E forum when you're not selling anything?

4. You need to be way more specific with your questions and the information you give if you want people to be of any real help. Your first post doesn't even make sense.

Don't take this personally or anything, I just get tired of people asking such vague questions that are nearly impossible to answer safely. If you are asking if lionheads will be alright with your "community fish" then you need to tell us the size of the tank, what fish are in it, whats filtering it, and what the water is like before we can even begin to answer the question. Otherwise its really just a stab in the dark...

* obviously there are generalisations that can be made about all cichlids, which is why they are all in the family Cichlidae. Those generalisations are only morphological though, and their requirements and behaviour in aquaria couldn't be more varied.

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