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Calcium and string / hair algae!!


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I made a mistake of testing my tropical freshwater tank for calcium levels. I know this is not really an issue for freshwater tanks.

Anyway, it was undetecable. Having read somewhere that some Ca is supoosued to be good I added some (CaCl that I can get from work). Anyway....BIG MISTAKE!!

We went away for 5 days and when I got back the tank had exploded with green hair algae. It's all over the plants, wood, fittings etc.

After some reasearch on algae I discovered that this algae thrives in water that is rich in Ca. Aparently it utilises the Ca much more effectively than any plants.

So now it's going to be weeks of water changes and some investments in SAEs to solve the problem.

Thought this might be useful info for those having similar problems.

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Hunt pet stores for barly straw extract..By interpet if brains working.

5ml treats 180L and costs about 30 bucks..Big container...Im trying it in several tanks and also for black beard aglae that has been hit with all and still is there..Plus cotton wool aglae just like yours...Florish XL did not keep it down just kept comming back..

But dry tank it dont like...Good Luck..

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