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Discus Breeding


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Don't be too concerned - its not uncommon for Discus to eat their first few spawns - they'll stop doing it eventually if the conditions are conducive to raising the fry.

Also if the water parameters are not right and the eggs are not viable they will eat them - likewise they will eat diseased ones from amongst healthy ones to try and stop the infection spreading - it is normal behaviour. Once the eggs hatch, the adults will also 'eat' the wrigglers from time to time as they carry them from one location to another.

Other posibilities are that you have two females paired up - which of course means the eggs can't be fertle so get eaten, or that they are hatching, being relocated, then being sucked into the filter.

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I find the best way to stop them eating there eggs is to stop watching!!! There are any number of reason why they do this but if you have them in there own tank as high as you can from the floor with clean water they should in time sort it out themselves.

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